Jeff Dunham
“Jeff Dunham: Me the People,” premiered during Thanksgiving weekend.
Shot at the historic Warner Theatre in Washington, DC, this is Jeff’s eleventh television special. With the help of many of his beloved characters and premiering a brand-new personality, Dunham tackled how much time we dedicate to our devices, the ridiculous things we spend money on, and the folly of cancel culture.

L!VE was tasked with bringing together a production crew consisting of; audio, lighting, video, and logistics services and transforming them into a reliable, rock-solid touring team.

We’ve partnered with Jeff
Dunham since 2008.
At that time, we were contacted during Dunham’s “Spark of Insanity Tour” to upgrade and streamline their touring production. That tour was recognized by the Guinness Book of Records for the most tickets sold by an arena comedy tour. Today seven L!VE staff members and two truck drivers travel with the tour. Local crew requirements are normally less than 20 people! That’s about a third of the cost of almost any other similar tour on the road today.